KOA Academy


koa academyKoa Academy provides an IEB education for children in grades 4-12 through an online learning environment that is both structured and individualised. 

Koa's academic program offers integrated learning across the South African curriculum through an innovative online platform, the best curated resources from around the world, ongoing assessment that is age appropriate, high levels of teacher time and instant feedback through a learner dashboard.

Connect with Koa on their website, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

Koa Academy's Articles:

Although machine learning and AI models have been built into many of the apps and platforms we have been using for years, we’re having a different kind of AI moment in 2023. Natural language processing and computer vision models such as OpenAI’s ChatGTP and DALL_E have put AI tools directly into the people’s hands, and many are fascinated and fearful.

With the world facing an uncertain future of work, there’s a question on many parents’ minds: “Is my child actually learning the skills they need for the 21st Century?”


The recent explosion of AI into our daily life is testimony to how fast our world can change, and how thoroughly it can be disrupted. AI has already profoundly changed how schools need to think about assessments. 

Online schools are not all the same.  Just as the quality of teaching and learning varies immensely across traditional schools there are online schools doing a great job, those that are mediocre and some that are failing. 

As learners across the country prepare for and write their last Grade assessments of the year, there are a lot of parents who are dealing with children overwhelmed with high levels of anxiety.

There is no other school subject that gets as bad a rap as Mathematics. It even has a mental health disorder associated with it – 'Maths anxiety'. There are a range of reasons why Maths is so polarising, some will say it's too hard while others complain that it is boring.

In South Africa, learners following the CAPS curriculum achieve their Matric qualifications (National Senior Certificate - NSC) either through writing the assessments of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) or the Independent Examinations Board (IEB).  However, this is not to say that DBE and NSC learners just write different final examination papers.  There’s a lot more to it than that.

From school through tertiary education, post-grad studies and work-based training, the South African digital learning environment is developing and expanding at a record rate.  For families, online schools are offering a range of choices they have never had before.  





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Recommended Reading: Study At TUT


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