76% Of Funza Lushaka Graduates Have Been Placed In Schools


The number of students that are part of the Funza Lushaka Bursary Scheme have managed to find placement in schools, although the target was not met and is lower than last year. 



In a recent virtual meeting, the Select Committee was briefed by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) on its Annual Report for 2021/2022. 

One of the highlights of 2021/2022, according to the meeting's report, was that 76% of Funza Lushaka graduates were placed in schools against the annual target of 84%.

The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is a multi-year programme to promote teaching as a profession. Bursaries are available to enable selected students to complete a teaching qualification in identified Subject priority areas.

Overall the DBE has achieved 81% of its annual targets, partially achieved 13% and did not achieve 6%. It successfully appointed 18 854 young and qualified educators (30 years and below).

In addition, the number of underperforming schools has dropped to 1 643 in 2021, while the number of chronically underperforming schools has dropped from 573 to 500. The Director-General also made 1 496 site visits to construction projects. 

Other highlights include: 

  1. The overall pass rate for 2021 is 76.4% (which is an improvement of 0.2% from 2020).
  2. 65 373 740 Grades R-9 workbooks were printed and delivered to 22 975 public schools.
  3. Monitored school feeding: 134 schools were monitored against target of 120 schools.

Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) trained 97% of post level 1-3 educators on the Quality Management System (QMS), 18 854 qualified educators aged 30 years and below were appointed in posts in the PEDs of which 4 786 were permanent, 10 864 were temporary, and 3 204 were substitute/relief appointments. 

Last year's Annual Report reflected that for 2020/2021, 82% of Funza Lushaka graduates were placed in schools against the annual target of 85%. 





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