April Sassa Grant Payments Continue Today


For millions of South Africans who depend on Sassa's social grants, the start of a new month means grant payments have begun. Grants are paid out based on a grant payment schedule.



In line with its schedule for the current month, the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) began processing social grant payments on Monday with the older person’s grant.

Fortunately for beneficiaries, grant payments will remain in their social grant account until they choose to withdraw it when needed.

The withdrawal can be done through ATMs at selected retailers such as Shoprite Checkers, U-save, Pick n Pay and Boxer stores. Another option for Sassa Gold card holders is to visit their nearest Post Office branch.  

Sassa will then proceed with processing all other social grant payments throughout the week based on the dates listed below:

Sassa grant payment schedule for April:

  • Older Person Grant - 3 April
  • Disability Grant - 4 April
  • Children’s Grant  (and all other grants) - 5 April

Grant recipients must also note that these dates do not apply to the R350 grant as that grant has no specific payment dates. Payments are made once Sassa processes applications and payments.

However, there are still currently roughly 8 million people who rely on payments of the R350 grant, while over 18 million people depend on Sassa’s payment of all other social grants. These grant recipients include, the elderly, people with disabilities, war veterans, children & people in distress 

In terms of operational capacity to facilitate social grant payments on schedule,  Sassa has approximately 8 000 staff members, 9 regional offices and 46 district offices, with 389 local offices and 1 163 service points according to the agency’s Chief Executive Officer, Busisiwe Memela-Khambula.

The processing of the R350 grant is fully automated and Sassa has admitted this has not been with out its own set of challenges, wich range from load shedding to vandalism of the agency's technical equipment.

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The Department of Social Development received an allocation of R66 billion over the medium term. This budget will be split among millions of social grant beneficiaries who receive payments monthly. 





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