At the start of 2021, Curro Holdings, the JSE-listed independent education provider, launched Curro Choice, a personalised learning offering that broadens the range of subjects available to every Curro high school learner nationwide.
Curro Choice is a new e-learning solution offering a range of subjects, from languages (isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sepedi and French) to accounting, computer applications technology (CAT), AP maths, design studies, history and information studies. Curro Choice Executive Head, Marelet Moolman, explains that the personalised learning programme is designed to give learners access to a wider range of subjects, and to help all Curro schools to expand their subject offerings.
“Where some schools have 10 or 11 subjects for learners to select from, they can now offer more than 20,” Moolman says. “Learners at all Curro high schools have access to Curro Choice, which allows them to easily customise their learning experience to fit their interest and needs. They have more control of their own learning, without limits. Learning is then not just a one-size-fits all approach.”
Personalised learning recognises that every learner is different, and allows for more input into their learning journeys, not only in terms of subject choices, but also when and how they learn. It has been shown to improve engagement, responsibility and productivity.
Additional benefits include being able to choose from a wider range of second language subjects (rather than whatever is on offer in a particular school or region), which is helpful for migrant learners or those who move provinces and wish to continue with their language of choice. “Learners can now even enrol for two first language/home language options,” says Moolman.
The Curro Choice model is centred on blended learning. “Learners have access to excellent content developed by specialists through the e-learning platform, and on top of this, they are allocated a dedicated educator that guides and facilitates their success in the subject,” says Moolman.
Where possible, Curro Choice subjects are offered during school hours. Alternatively, lessons are run in the afternoon after normal school classes, or learners can access the material at home. All lessons are recorded and are available online for learners to access anytime and anywhere. All that is required is an internet connection and data. Learners have the flexibility to revise material as required.
Curro learners can choose a Curro Choice subject in place of a school subject not on offer at their school (for example, if a learner would like to study French and the school does not have a French teacher), or they can take on a Curro Choice subject as an additional subject.
Curro Choice can accommodate both the National Senior Certificate and IEB exam paths, as the group’s expert staff members tailor assessments and Grade 12 portfolios according to the specific requirements.
Curro Choice Makes Personalised Learning A Reality
At the start of 2021, Curro Holdings, the JSE-listed independent education provider, launched Curro Choice, a personalised learning offering that broadens the range of subjects available to every Curro high school learner nationwide.
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