There is a need for people with strong office management skills in any business. With business processes, equipment, documentation and communication becoming increasingly complicated, managers and professional administrators need a wide range of skills to run the office effectively. Often these skills are neglected or ignored, which results in ineffective office management. If you are unsure of the proficiencies you need to keep up with administrative tasks, here are 4 important skills required for efficient office management.
Office Management Skills Required
1. Business documentation
As an office manager, you will most likely need business writing skills, as you will be required to write up a number of business documents. Some documents may include business letters, reports, proposals, quotations, statements and invoices. It is imperative to understand what these documents are used for, and to know how to format, write and administer these documents.
2. Communication strategy
In the current business environment,communication is handled almost exclusively through computers. It is important for office administrators to feel comfortable communicating through various platforms, such as email, Skype or MSN, as it is mostly likely that you will communicate with employees or customers via these platforms. You will need to learn to communicate appropriately depending on the platform used. Office managers are also required to communicate with employees and customers on the phone, so an appropriate telephone manner is essential.
3. Office administration
General office administration is part-and-parcel of the day-to-day running of any business.As an office manager, you may be responsible for petty cash, managing the switchboard, dealing with delivery services, the administration of basic office facilities,and general management. The latter is vital, as staff rely heavily on office management in order to complete their tasks successfully.
4. Information management
It is the information age, and humans are consuming more raw data today than in any other time in history.Information needs to be housed somewhere, and it is often kept in files so that you can make reference to specific documents at a later stage. As an office manager, it is important to manage the filing and indexing for both digital and hard copy documents. Arrange your digital folders effectively so that you are able to find certain documents with ease. Hard copies should be filed away and clearly marked so you can retrieve these documents at any time.
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Effective office management skills
Monday, 19 November, 2018 - 12:11
The modern-day office has become a very demanding place that requires more efficient processes, clearer communication and better solutions. Here are 4 important skills that every office administrator needs to be successful.
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