By Dave Packer
What would it mean to you if all your Employment Equity (EE) reports could be generated with just a few clicks? More time? More clients? More money?
Technology has propelled you into a world that was once only dreamt about. Now you can almost do anything with the aid of technology. It has enabled you to engage with people across the world and kids are tech savvy before they can ride a bike. With all your electronics, gadgets and software, you now have more time on your hands.
Or have you? How it is possible that you are still bogged down by cumbersome processes and drowned in paperwork? Generating a report, like an EE report, can become a very time consuming process.
Today, businesses are required by government to report on several aspects of their daily operations. So much so that it almost becomes a nightmare trying to understand their requirements and to keep up with their demands. Companies tend to outsource the task of reporting these requirements to other specialised businesses in order to cope with their own day to day processes.
However, by simply outsourcing the work, it doesn?t mean that it?s done more quickly or easily. The Department of Labour?s submission date for manual employment equity reports has closed and the closing date for electronic submissions is January 2013. Why the extra time? Because they know how difficult it is for anybody attempting to calculate what they require in their EEA2 and their EEA4 report.
A business may choose to outsource their reporting needs to their HR consultant so they don?t have to worry about it. As a HR consultant you still need to crunch the numbers and shuffle paper to create the report as it is usually done manually - leading to hours of agony!
Luckily there is a solution! Reduce the time required to calculate the EEA2 and the EEA4 reports to about 5 minutes of work. Yes, around 5 minutes is about all you will need to produce both the EEA2 and the EEA4 reports in the required format!
How? Operations Software is a dynamic software company that has taken the stress out of producing EE reports. Their software solution assists HR consultants to breeze through the day with a straight forward and user friendly programme.
So simple;
1. Import the EE information from an Excel spreadsheet
2. The programme will check for any errors
3. Print the reports - Done!
What will you do with your extra time?
Operations Software not only delivers packaged and customised software solutions to HR consultants, but also to Safety Managers, Operations Managers and any other on the ground managers that need to be in control of their day to day operations.
Easily manage Personnel, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Equipment, documents, EE, Workplace Skills Planning (WSP) and much more.
About the Author
Dave Packer has worked as a programmer and software developer around the world for over 20 years. Email him - [email protected] or visit Operations Software
Employment equity reports produced with a click
Friday, 5 October, 2012 - 02:10
Completing employment equity reports is perhaps one of the most cumbersome tasks for HR professionals, even for those who are keen to see transformation in the workplace. According to Dave Packer the right software can significantly simplify this process.
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