Example of an Assessment Rubric?


What is an assessment rubric? This is a grading system used to assess a students performance and progress. It is usually presented in the form of a grid and aims to simplify the assessment process. 




What is an assessment rubric? This is a grading system used to assess a students performance and progress. It is usually presented in the form of a grid and aims to simplify the assessment process.  


  • This grading scale indicates the degree to which the participant has demonstrated achievement of the outcomes specified for the assignment, module or programme and the extent to which assessment criteria have been met.
  • This scale is in line with the NQF-requirements for outcomes-based assessment, while accommodating the needs of participants and lecturers for a wider distinction than grading participants simply as ‘Competent’ or ‘Not-yet-competent’.
  • Symbols A, B and C are awarded to participants who are Competent, and D and E symbols indicate that participants are Not Yet Competent.
  • Participants should be provided with the table below for clarification of what the symbols signify.


Overall level of achievement






Evidence submitted

The evidence submitted significantly exceeds the requirements in that additional outcomes are covered that are relevant to the specific outcomes and assessment criteria of the programme.

The evidence submitted meets all the requirements described in the specific outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit standards, and in addition, exceeds the requirements of most of the outcomes.

The evidence submitted meets all the requirements described in the specific outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit standards.

There are substantial gaps in the evidence submitted in relation to the outcomes of the programme.

Insufficient evidence submitted.

Requirements for


Not Applicable.

Not Applicable.

Not Applicable.

Re-submit the assignment(s) or other form of evidence for re-assessment after attending to the development areas indicated.

If the re-submitted assignment still does not meet the standard, an opportunity will be provided to repeat the module/ programme if the participant so wishes.

Indicators for workplace competence

Evidence submitted for assessment indicates that the participant should be able to function largely independently in this area.

Evidence submitted for assessment indicates that the participant should be able to function with minimal supervision in this area.

Evidence submitted for assessment indicates that the participant still requires guidance and supervision to be able to perform to standard in this area.

Evidence submitted for assessment indicates that the participant will not be able to perform to standard in this area.

Evidence submitted for assessment indicates that the participant will be unable to meet even the minimum requirements for performance in this area.

Correlation to previous percentages

75% and above

55% - 74%

40% - 54%

30% - 39%

Less than 29%





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