Repaying a student loan can often times put you on the back foot before you’ve even stepped through the door of your first job.
Try to avoid having your student loan cause you student debt. Carrying student debt may impact many areas of your like when you are buying a home to saving for retirement.
How do I make repayments?
Once you are ready to start paying off your loan, you’ll be responsible for sending out monthly payments to the company or institute that you have taken out a load with.
You should have received all the banking details of the loan servicer upon approval, however if you don’t know where to send a payment, check with your college or universities financial aid office. You can then contact your loan servicers directly.
Tips to prepare for student loan payments:
Draw up a budget as soon as you start earning a salary
Use the grace period to research student loan repayment options and decide which option you would like to use
Never miss one payment or this will set everything back
Create a budget
Prioritize paying off student loans
Communicate with your loan servicer
Set up automatic debit payments so that the hassle is out of your hands every month
Avoid student loan default at all cost
Give yourself a target to shoot for and set a date by when you would like to be finished with the loan
When must I begin repaying my student loans?
Most student loans have a few months grace period, which means you won’t have to start making payments until after you graduate and find a job. The grace period is meant to give you a chance to find a job and begin earning an income so enable you to pay off the loan made.