How To Use Training To Get A Promotion


If you've got your eye on a promotion or are looking to better your skills set for the job market, undergoing training in a specific field or a specific skill can be helpful for your career in the long run, and will look good on your CV. 



To make yourself appear more "right" for the job, you can learn new skills that are in demand within your current workforce or the overall job market, which can later lead to employability or a promotion.

A promotion can mean an advancement in your field or an advancement in your department. Promotions are given to acknowledge an employee's contribution or to tap into an employee's potential in a different area of the business.

Having certain skills under your belt and on your CV that employees are specifically looking for, can increase your chance of employability and/or increase your chances of moving up in the workforce where you are currently employed.

For example, if you are trained in computers or Information Technology (IT) but someone else who is applying for the same position you are applying for doesn't have that same skills set, you appear more valuable to the employer. 

Here Are a Few Ways to Use Training to Get a Promotion:

Participate in skills training courses

You can undergo skills training courses, online or in-person, and are sometimes free such as on sites like LinkedIn or Google.

Even if it doesn't get you the promotion, there's still a chance that adding it to your CV can help you when applying to other positions in the organisation or externally. 

Broaden your knowledge and skills in other areas, not only your specialty 

Expand your knowledge and skill set in areas that are critical to the organisation.

If your expertise is in advertising, perhaps you could expand your knowledge by doing a sales and marketing course or even a leadership course.

Keep up with trends outside your specialty

As technology and other environmental forces change rapidly, you need an ever-increasing skill set, not only to perform your job but to stay relevant.

Not only should you keep up-to-date with current industry news and events, but you should also pay attention to trends and events outside your field.

Brush up on the skills you already have 

The world of work is always evolving, and to make sure that you don't fall behind, it would be beneficial for you to keep up with the changes that take place within a skills set you already have.

For example, if you are trained in computers and a new technology has been released, find out how it works and how you can use it.

You may not work with this new technology in your job immediately, but if the scenario arises (in your present or future places employment), you'll be ready. Your employer will be impressed that you were prepared.


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