I Missed The WCED Admissions Application Deadline, Now What?



Missing a school application deadline in the Western Cape limits the schools your child can secure placement at. However, the education department is obligated to ensure your child has a place at a school regardless of whether or not you missed the deadline.




The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) uses an online admissions system to process school applications. These applications are submitted by parents whose children will attend Grade 1 or Grade 8 in the following academic year. 

The WCED aims to complete the admissions process early in the year to allow for adequate planning for the next school year. However, this often leads to situations where parents are unable to submit their applications before the application deadline. 

Several circumstances can cause a parent or guardian to miss an application deadline. They may move from one province to another, may not have known when the deadline was or simply did not have the time to submit a school application.  

If you missed the WCED school application deadline, don’t worry. You may still submit a late admission application. Parents who miss the admission application deadline must contact the district office. 

Parents will be required to complete a learner placement form and submit this at their education district office. The learner placement form can be downloaded before visiting the WCED district office. 

Parents who wish to apply for the 2024 school year as a late application must please contact the district office.

The provincial education department requires parents to submit certified documents for school admission applications. 

Documents Needed For Western Cape School Applications

  • Identity Document/Birth Certificate/Passport of Learner/Study Documents 
  • Immunisation card (Primary School Learners)
  • Proof of Residence
  • Last School Report (for learners who have attended school)

Parents are advised to apply to at least 3 schools, including a school located close to their home. Parents may also indicate their order of preference on the online admissions system. 

The WCED is set to release details of its plan to build 21 new schools and 289 classrooms at existing schools. These projects will be undertaken in areas of highest demand for placement based on the applications received by the department.

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