Judge Zondo Wants Anti-Corruption Agency In South Africa


After a court bid to halt the hanging over of the Zondo report was dismissed, President Cyril Ramaphosa received part one of the State Capture Commission of Enquiry’s findings.



After a court bid to halt the handing over of the Zondo report was dismissed, President Cyril Ramaphosa received part one of the State Capture Commission of Enquiry’s findings.

From August 2018, Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has been hearing testimony from witnesses, implicated parties, whistle-blowers and insiders on corruption in South Africa. Many of which took place at the country's state-owned entities.

After two years since the commission of enquiry was established, the 874-page report was handed over to the president on Tuesday.

The report has recommended that an anti-corruption unit be established to play a role similar to that of the Competion Commision. Zondo said a possible name for the unit could be the Anti-Corruption Authority or Agency of SA South Africa (ACASA).

The commission believes that should this unit be established, it must be completely independent. The unit must also be free of political oversight which could prevent them from serving their purpose.

The report cautioned, ‘There has, however, been lengthy judicial debate on the question whether such independence can be achieved within a government department or by an entity under Ministerial control. That debate requires careful consideration.

The report also recommends that the unit should have adequate resources to ensure it can do its job effectively.

President Ramaphosa described the handing over of the report as a defining moment in South Africa’s effort to end corruption.

“I should extend my gratitude – and also indeed the nation’s gratitude – to the Chairperson of the Commission, Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, for this extraordinary feat of public service,” said Ramaphosa in a statement.




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