Externally facilitated goal-setting sessions are sessions led and managed by individuals outside of the immediate team or organisation, during which a number of goals and logical action items are noted and set in a structured and organised way, with as much collaboration from the team as necessary.
The facilitators simply bring the skills of effective meeting management, productive brainstorming and conflict resolution if and when necessary. So why then facilitated goal setting? Why can you not do it without an external facilitator? Well, actually you can.
BUT The benefits of an external facilitator are numerous, for example: If you have external facilitators the time is blocked off and everyone is more disciplined and prepared.
Often the time includes a team build and is off-site. Facilitators are able to use their experience to move conversations that get stuck, from problem to solution a lot quicker. Also, facilitators have structures in place that create a flow of events leading to quick resolutions.
Facilitators have no hidden agendas. Facilitators are skilled at including everyone in the collaboration. Facilitators can assist with the quick creation of action items from more creative and lofty goals.
Facilitators can bring a new perspective when addressing the root causes of problems. Facilitators will save you a lot of time as collaborations of this nature can be very time-consuming.
Staff Training presents more than 40 soft skills training courses nationwide and offers both coachings and facilitated goal-setting sessions, contact us for more info. What do you think? Are you able to set and achieve your goals? tell us how?