New 2022 School Calendar


The Department of Basic Education has released a new school calendar for 2022. This calendar details when learners will start school in the new year.



The Department of Basic Education has released a new school calendar for 2022. This calendar details when learners will start school in the new year.
The calendar has dates for schools that are part of the inland cluster as well as schools that are part of the coastal cluster. 
The following provinces are part of the inland cluster:

Free State
North West

Schools in these provinces can expect to reopen on 10 January (for teachers) and 12 January (for learners). The 12th of January will mark the start of the first term, which will then end on 17 March 2022. 
Term 2 will then start on 5 April and end on 24 June, as learners will get some time off to spend their June holidays. 
The June holiday will soon be followed by term 3, which will start on 19 July and end on 30 September. The final term of the year, term 4, will start on 11 October and end on 14 December 2022 for learners.
The dates for schools in the coastal cluster are the same, except these schools will have a delayed start.
The calendar shows that schools in the coastal cluster will start term 1 on 19 January and close on 25 March. 
The following provinces are part of the coastal cluster:

Eastern Cape
KwaZulu Natal 
Northern Cape
Western Cape

In total, both clusters will have gone through 199 school days by the end of 2022. The Basic Education Department has encouraged parents to come forward with suggestions if they feel that the current calendar could be better adjusted. 
"The calendar is gazetted for comment, please send your input using the details on the bottom section of the calendar. One for coastal areas and the other for inland provinces. Have your say!" said the Department's spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga. 
click here to view the calendar.




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