Not Having A LinkedIn Account Is A Huge Mistake


If you're starting your career or even just became a student, LinkedIn is a very important tool you should take advantage of. LinkedIn is more than just a social media platform to network with.



LinkedIn is a professional social network that can help you find a job, connect with professional contacts and learn more about companies you're interested in working for. More companies are using LinkedIn to find qualified candidates for jobs.

People use LinkedIn to find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network.

Employers can list jobs and search for potential candidates. Users can review their own professional history, compare it with other users' profiles and see what connections they share. You can also follow companies you're interested in, see how you're connected to them, and find out who they've hired.

LinkedIn can be useful for looking up people who might be able to help you professionally or as a reference. Getting recommendations from former colleagues or professors can also make your profile more credible because you're vouching for each other.

If you're signed into LinkedIn, click the name of anyone you're connected with to view their profile. Recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates, so it's important to have a profile that makes a positive impression.

If you just think of LinkedIn as a job-hunting platform, you’re making a huge mistake.

The truth is that LinkedIn is a lot more than that. It is a social media platform where you can showcase your skills and expertise, share ideas with other professionals, look for potential partners and business opportunities, find work and much more.




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