Phase 4 Applications For Teaching Assistant Jobs Now Open


The application period for teaching assistant jobs is now open. Youth around the country have limited time to apply and be placed at a school in their community. More than 270 000 vacancies are to be filled in this national programme to bolster the resources available at schools across the country.




The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has announced that applications for the fourth phase of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) are now open. Successful candidates will work as Education Assistants (EA) and General School Assistants at school in their communities.

Teaching assistants will be paid a stipend of R4,081 per month. They will have 1% of their monthly remuneration deducted for Unemployment Insurance Fund contributions.

Youth have just three weeks to submit an application to be part of the crucial employment innovation. The application period will be open from 26 September 2022 and will close on 16 October 2022.

Youth can apply for teaching assistant jobs on the SAYouth.Mobi online recruitment system. The website is free to use and does not require any data. No applications will be taken at schools.

Here’s Who Qualifies For Phase Four Teaching Assistant Jobs

  • Youths between the ages of 18 and 34 years old when they apply 
  • Youth must live within a 5 km radius of the school (or 30 km radius if it is a small, micro or farm school)
  • Education Assistant (EA) must have a Matric qualification
  • General School Assistants (GSA) do not need a Matric qualification

Youth who participated in the first three phases of the initiative will not be considered for positions during phase four of the initiative.  The initiative impacted the lives of more than 270,000 families around the country. Some education assistants shared how the initiative impacted their lives.

Interviews with applicants will take place between November and December 2022. Successful youth will start working in February 2023.




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