Register To Complete Your Adult Matric


You can now register for the 2021 National Senior Certificate if you are an adult who qualifies to write the matric exam. 



You can now register for the 2021 National Senior Certificate if you are an adult who qualifies to write the matric exam. 
Registrations can be done online or at any education district office before the closing date on 28 February 2021. 
To register online, visit:
You will need the following documents in order to register:

A completed registration form
A certified copy of your ID document or birth certificate or passport (foreign candidates)
If you are repeating the exam, you must attach a copy of your previous highest qualification
Examination numbers for completed exams (if you previously written any other grade 12 or equivalent examinations)


Adults learners who are 21 years and older with: 

- a General Education and Training Certificate (GETC); or
- a Grade 9 school report (or the old standard seven). This report must state that you have passed Grade 9 or Standard 7; or
- a recognised equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level which requires two official languages.

Adult learners (21 years and older) who have not completed their Senior Certificate qualification.
Adult learners (21 years and older) with an incomplete National Senior Certificate. Qualifying candidates will need to have an expired School-Based Assessment (SBA).
Youth who are newly out of school (aged 18-21 years) who were not able to complete their school education due to circumstances that were out of their control. These circumstances would need to be verified by the Head of Department in the Provincial Education Department. This is only in exceptional cases. 

"Adult candidates who are 21 years and older with an incomplete NSC and whose School-Based Assessment component has not yet expired may choose to complete the NSC by registering in January for the 2020 NSC examinations to be written in November, or convert to the Senior Certificate.  Should the candidate choose to convert to the Senior Certificate, they may not revert to the NSC and attempt to complete the NSC qualification."
More than 1 million candidates registered to write the 2020 NSC exam, which the Department of Basic Education says went well as all registered candidates were able to write their exams. 
Results for the 2020 NSC exam will be released on 23 February 2021.




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