Sassa Grant Payments For June Have Begun


The South African Social Security Agency has released its 2023/24 social grant payment schedule. The Agency has started disbursing payments to recipients for the month of June 2023.




The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) is the agency tasked by the South African government to administer social grants to eligible people in the country. 

Sassa also provides various forms of social assistance, including grants for older persons, persons with disabilities, child support, and foster care grants.

As per the Sassa payment schedule, social grants are paid out in the first week of every month, but it is important that grant recipients know when their monies will be available for withdrawal beforehand.

The government agency has kicked off this month’s social grant payments by making payments to Older Person's social grant recipients on 2 June 2023.

Here’s when other social grants will be disbursed:

  • Disability - Monday, 5 June 2023
  • Children's - Tuesday, 6 June 2023

If you are among millions of Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant recipients, there’s no specific payment schedule for when you can withdraw your monies.

You will need to wait for an SMS notifying you of your grant payment date before attempting to withdraw your funds.

Grant holders may withdraw funds at selected retail stores, such as Shoprite, Checkers, U-save, Pick ‘n Pay, and Boxer as well as ATMs. 

Alternatively, grant beneficiaries also have the option of using their bank accounts for their monthly payments.

Once the money has been sent to your account, it will remain there until you need it and it is for this reason that Sassa has reiterated that recipients need not rush to withdraw their payments on the first day.

Here’s How You May Collect Your SRD Grant Without A Sassa Card:

Social grant beneficiaries may collect their grant funds at pay points without using a Sassa card.

It is important that beneficiaries use their correct details when applying for their SRD grant as the One Time Pin will be sent to the registered cellphone number on the system. 

When going to make a withdrawal, beneficiaries are required to also bring along their ID to the payment point at the retail store.


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Person submitting a Sassa grant appeal

Millions of vulnerable people receive financial support from the South African Social Security Agency every month in the form of social grants. Some individuals were unsuccessful when they submitted a grant application. These individuals have the right to submit an appeal application.




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