School assistants have been intoduced in the Free Sate to help with the COVID-19 academic disruptions and systemic difficulties.
To help in the Free State, over 300 000 young people have been employeed in the country as education and general assistants.
This programme started this month and is set to end in March 2021.
These assistants have been very helpful with relieveing teachers of their workload, improving the learning environment, and supporting the learners.
The initiative helps euip the unemployed youth with helpful skills and experiences which they will be able to use in the job market.
Youth between the ages of 18 and 35 are a part of this program. They receive an opportunity to elevate themselves and pursue a career in education, which could open many doors for them.
Not only does this opportunity empower the youth, but also helps them put food on the table.
The initiative aims to have a big impact on the education system and also the lives of many childern.
Assistants help out by photocopying worksheets, preparing the classrooms, helping learners read or do classwork, and keep the school grounds clean.
School Assistants Help Out At Schools In the Free State
Monday, 7 December, 2020 - 11:12
School assistants have been intoduced in the Free Sate to help with the COVID-19 academic disruptions and systemic difficulties. To help in the Free State, over 300 000 young people have been employeed in the country as education and general assistants.
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