Specialist Project Management Programme NQF LEVEL 6


This programme is developed to provide the skills and competencies for technically qualified people from all fields who require specific practical
skills in project management.



Participant Profile
This programme is developed to provide the skills and competencies for technically qualified people from all fields who require specific practical
skills in project management.
This programme is also ideal for the person who has successfully completed a post-matric qualification in another
field of study, but whose career path has developed into the field of project management.
Programme Structure
The Specialist Project Management Programme (SPMP) is a programme at NQF level 6. The programme consists of 7 modules which are presented
by way of lectures, group discussions, case studies and role plays.
The lecturing contact time is 36 hours per module.
Two modules are conducted
concurrently over 12 weeks of part-time study, and are completed before the commencement of the next two modules.
The programme methodology
is practical, involving a problem solving approach to knowledge transfer. Delivery may also take the form of block release.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this programme, the learner will be able to:
• Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in the field of project management.

• Analyse and evaluate data, ideas, theories and practices within the projects field.

• Identify key elements and solve problems using appropriate methods and theories.

• Practically apply the knowledge and skills learnt on the programme to scenarios presented in case studies and in the workplace.
Evaluation of Participants
Assessment is both formative and summative and includes:
• Weekly individual and group exercises and tasks

• Group and individual assignments

• Open and closed book case study integrative assessments
To complete the programme successfully, and be awarded a certificate, learners must be found competent in all aspects of the summative
assessment according to requirements listed in the relevant student handbook.
Entrance Criteria
The minimum entry requirements for admission to the SPMP are:
• Twenty three years of age and

• Three years business experience and

• Senior certificate or NQF 4 equivalent or

• Alternative admission can be achieved via a RPL process or mature age exemption.

• A placement assessment will apply
Short Courses
Any module from this programme can be offered as a stand-alone academic credit bearing short course.
Candidates are required to meet the pre-determined entrance requirements as set for this programme.
To read full SPMP.pdf Click Here
For more information on Business Studies Unit Click Here




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