Teacher Union Concerned About Cheating In Matric Exams


Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training, recently placed a stamp of approval on the 2022 National Senior Certificate (NSC) exam results. However, the council has raised concerns about a number of issues. 



Among the issues raised by the council, are allegations of cheating involving learners and teachers in Mpumalanga. 

These learners and teachers are being investigated to confirm whether they were involved in the cheating which took place during the 2022 matric exams. 

National Professional Teachers Organisation of South Africa’s (Naptosa) executive director, Basil Manuel, stated “let's make it very clear, these teachers are miscreants in the system. They give teachers a bad name, but it’s even bigger than that, they are cheapening the entire exit certificate.”

He stated that the learners involved should also receive some form of penalty for taking part in the cheating. The parents of these learners should also take responsibility for their involvement in the matter.

Some people believe that the school at which the alleged cheating took place should be named, however, Manuel feels that it is not fair to the other teachers and learners who attend the school. Naming the school makes everyone at the school guilty by association, which is not fair at all.

According to Manuel, those involved in the matter should be named. “There are people that must be named. Eventually, we must see who these teachers are that have misled our learners and we must see that justice has been done. Because we can’t let this continue.”

In the event that these teachers are part of Naptosa, Manuel stated that they will receive representation from the union because everyone deserves not to be judged before proven guilty. However, if the teachers are found guilty, Naptosa will take matters further. 

Manuel was happy to see that matric results are released and not withheld because of the cheating which took place. It would not be fair to allow all learners to suffer for something a small number of learners had done, said the Naptosa executive director.

In an effort to prevent learners from cheating during exams, Manuel believes that surveillance should be increased. Systems also need to be implemented to discourage learners from taking part in cheating.





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