The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) online application portal will go live on 22 July 2022 and parents will then be able to submit school applications. Parents will be required to submit their applications on the department's admissions website
This applies to learners who will be attending Grade 1 or Grade 8 in the 2023 academic year. The application period is set to close on 19 August 2022.
The department has revealed some important tips that parents can follow to increase the chances of learner placement at their preferred schools.
Parents are encouraged to use home addresses within the school feeder zone. A feeder zone is a geographical area from which a school accepts its core intake. These feeder zones are normally near the school.
To increase the likelihood of the learner being accepted at a school closer to where they live, parents are encouraged to ensure that their preferred school choices are located within a school's feeder zone.
Click Here To See What Feeder Zones Your Home Address Is Part Of
Parents can submit placement applications to a maximum of five schools but a minimum of three schools is acceptable. They are however reminded that they won't be able to submit multiple applications for one child at a specific school.
Accepting the terms and conditions is crucial when submitting the school applications.
Parents Are Required To Have The Following Certified Copies Of The Following Documents When Submitting Applications.
Documents required for Grade 8 applications:
- Parent and Child ID or Passport or Refugee Permit or asylum Seeker Permit or Permanent Residence Permit or Study Permit
- South African Birth Certificate
- Proof of Home Address
- Proof of Work Address
- Latest School Report
Documents required for Grade 1 applications:
- Parent and Child ID or Passport or Refugee Permit or asylum Seeker Permit or Permanent Residence Permit or Study Permit
- South African Birth certificate
- Proof of Home Address
- Proof of Work Address
- Latest School Report
- Clinic Card/Vaccination report
Click Here For The Steps Parents Need To Follow When Submitting The Application