Unisa Applicants Urged To Pay 2023 Registration Fee


If you have applied for admission at the University of South Africa for the 2023 academic year and have had your application approved, registering is the next step. But, the registration process is not without its own costs.



Prospective students looking to enrol at Unisa for the 2023 academic year are reminded to ensure that their registration fee has been paid so that their registration can be processed. 

This is so that Unisa can finalise your registration and ensure that you receive your study material on time.

The earlier you pay your registration fee the earlier we can finalise your registration and the earlier you can start your studies. Your study material is ready for you on myUnisa so you can extend your semester by paying now. 

Registration for semester modules for undergraduate qualifications, honours degrees and postgraduate diplomas has been open since Monday 9 January, and will close on Friday 3 February 2023.

Meanwhile, applications for Master's and Doctoral qualifications have been extended to Tuesday 31 January 2023, some exceptions apply. Prospective applicants are also reminded to note that only qualifications that still have available spaces will be listed on the online application platform.

The University of South Africa (UNISA) is one of the largest distance learning institutions in the world and the largest university in South Africa. Accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE), Unisa is recognized by the South African government as a reputable institution of higher learning.

The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including certificates, diplomas, and degrees, in various fields such as business, education, law, and humanities.

Unisa is an open and distance learning institution, which means that it is accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This flexibility makes it a popular choice for students who are working or have other commitments that make it difficult to attend traditional on-campus classes.





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