Ways To Stay Up-To-Date With The Latest Job Vacancies


When you are looking for job vacancies, following small tips and using techniques can actually increase your chances of succeeding. The more methods you make use of in trying to find job vacancies, the higher your chances will be of finding a job.



It is best to make use of a variety of sources instead of simply relying on one, when searching for job vacancies.

There are many job websites available, like the Jobs Portal, some of which list a variety of jobs, while others focus on a specific industry.

It is important to be aware that many recruitment agencies will also make use of job websites, as well as having listings on their own websites.

Here are a few ways to stay up-to-date with current jobs

Keep an eye on company websites

If you are looking to work at a specific company, it is a good idea to constantly keep an eye on their website, according to careers.govt.nz.

Build your contact list

Whenever you meet someone new, be sure to exchange details. You never know when you may run into someone new or an old acquaintance who may know of a possible job vacancy. Therefore it is important to always project a positive attitude.

Check newspapers

Make sure to check daily and local newspapers, too. Newspapers with a weekend edition will usually have a job site as well. Recruitment agencies are another avenue to explore. Agencies usually require you to register with them, at no cost involved, according to careers.govt.nz.


According to helpguide.org (a trusted non profit organisation), networking is the best way to find a job. It is suggested that you make a list of your network and include everybody that you know. You will be surprised to discover that your network is actually larger than you think.

When it comes to networking successfully it is very important that you find ways to reciprocate. Always be aware of the fact that successful networking is a two way street.

Your goal should be to create relationships with others which are mutually beneficial and not simply one sided. Importantly, remember to nurture the relationship. Networking should be seen as a give and take process.

It can be seen as a way of relating to others and should not be seen as a technique for getting a job or a favour. It is important to remember to be considerate , to ask for advice and to be authentic, according to helpguide.org.




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