Where To Submit UIF Forms



Losing income can be extremely stressful. This stress can be compounded without the relief you are entitled to from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). 



Losing income can be extremely stressful. This stress can be compounded if you don't receive the relief you are entitled to from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).

Every month, workers who work more than 24 hours per month are required by law to contribute to the UIF. An amount of one percent of an employee's monthly remuneration must be contributed to the fund and a further 1% is contributed to the UIF by the employer.

The UIF provides short term financial relief to workers whose income has been reduced or completely lost.  

Here’s where to submit UIF Forms

You can choose to hand in your benefit application forms at a Department of Employment and Labour Office or you can submit claims online on the uFiling website.

The fund provides this relief to their contributors for the following circumstances.

The UIF offers the following benefits…

Illness leave

Maternity leave

Reduced work time

Adoption leave

Parental leave

The UIF introduced the benefits listed below in response to extraordinary circumstances, including the Covid-19 pandemic and July unrest. 

WABU benefits

TERS Benefits

The UIF uses a credit system to determine how long you may claim benefits. For every four days you work, you will receive one credit. The amount of credits you have accumulated determines how long you will receive financial relief from the fund. 




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