Who Can't Apply For The Teaching Assistant Initiative


According to Statistics South Africa, 66,5% of the country’s youth are unemployed. Several programmes were established to reduce the high unemployment rate with the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI) being one of the most successful initiatives.



The Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES) sought to mitigate economic challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. One aspect of the stimulus package dealt with creating jobs for youth living in South Africa.

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) introduced the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI) in 2021 which sought to create 280,000 employment opportunities for youth.

These young people were employed as education and general school assistants in schools across the country. The third phase of the BEEI concluded at the end of August. 

The DBE has announced that the programme will continue with phase four in 2023. The application period for phase four will open soon. However, it's important to note that not everyone will be able to apply to become an education assistant.

Youth who participated in the first three phases of the programme will not be considered for positions in phase four.  Individuals who are currently working, involved in training or participating in learnerships also cannot apply for education assistant positions in phase four.

Individuals who are studying will not be considered for placement — This includes individuals both full and part-time students.

Students participating in online courses, distance learning courses and short courses cannot apply for education assistant positions.

Here’s Who Can Apply For Phase Four Of The Teaching Assistant Initiative

  • Youth between the ages of 18 and 34 years old when they apply 
  • Youth must live within a 5 km radius of the school (or 30 km radius if it is a small, micro or farm school)
  • Education Assistant (EA) must have a Matric qualification
  • General School Assistants (GSA) do not need a Matric qualification

The BEEI impacted the lives of more than 270,000 families around the country. Some education assistants shared how the initiative impacted their lives





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