Grantley College
After 58 years, Grantley College continues to offer support to learners of great potential, who need a small class environment, and their individual needs met.
Grantley College is a registered non-profit organization, that relies on the fees parents pay and the donations of kind benefactors. The school is governed by a Board elected from the parent body and managed on a day-to-day basis by the Principal and the Lead Team.
Although the method of teaching and learning may have changed, in the past 55 years, the mission and vision of this small school remains, and always will remain, steadfast – To offer a premier high school experience, along with comprehensive learning support, in a compassionate environment.
Qualifications Offered:
- National Certificate (Vocational): Level 2-4
- National Certificate (Vocational): English First Additional Language (Level 2-4) (Fundamentals)
- National Certificate (Vocational): Life Orientation (Level 2-4) (Fundamentals)
- National Certificate (Vocational): Mathematical Literacy (Level 2-4) (Fundamentals)
- National Certificate (Vocational): Client Services and Human Rights (Level 2-4)
- National Certificate (Vocational): Food Preparation (Level 2-4)
- National Certificate (Vocational): Hospitality Generics (Level 2-4)
- National Certificate (Vocational): Hospitality Services (Level 2-4)
Consult the website for information regarding fees.
Application forms may be downloaded from the website.
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