Where Can I Study Adult Matric


Completing your Grade 12 can lead to increased study and job opportunities. Here's where you can study adult matric. 



The Amended Senior Certificate, commonly referred to as the adult matric, is the a qualification designed for South Africans who did not complete their Grade 12. The Senior Certificate is equivalent to the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or matric certificate. After obtaining a SC, individuals can choose to pursue further education at universities or TVET colleges

Additionally, many job opportunities in South Africa require a matric certificate as a basic qualification.

If you're an adult looking to further your education and obtain a Senior Certificate, you may be wondering about where you can study adult matric. 

Where Can I Study Adult Matric

Adult Learning Centres (ABET) centres  provide free Adult Matric courses through the Department of Basic Education. You can find centers in your area on the ABET website.

Some TVET colleges offer Adult Matric programmes, often with online support and classes.

Several Private Distance Learning Colleges also offer adult matric courses. These colleges offer flexible learning options and online support, but they typically charge fees.

Who Qualifies For Adult Matric

To be eligible for the Senior Certificate exam for adults, you must be 21 years or older and possess one of the following:

Individuals must possess a Grade 9 pass, a General Education and Training Certificate (GETC), or an equivalent NQF Level 1 qualification demonstrating proficiency in two official languages.

Those who have started but not completed a Senior Certificate or National Senior Certificate (NSC) may be eligible. This includes candidates with incomplete certificates and those whose School-Based Assessments (SBAs) for the NSC have expired.

Individuals who wrote the NSC exams between 2008 and 2011 may also register.

Youth not currently enrolled in school may be eligible to write the Senior Certificate exam, but they must meet specific criteria and follow a different application process.

Finally, NSC candidates who wrote the NSC exams between 2008-2011 may still register to take the Senior Certificate exams.

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Matric certificate

Many job opportunities in South Africa require a matric certificate as a basic qualification. Adults who did not complete their matric can register for the Senior Certificate. 




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