online school
Homeschooling offers numerous benefits, including personalised education, greater accessibility, safe environments, and flexible schedules. However, one concern many homeschooling parents still harbour – rightly or wrongly - is that their children might not benefit fully on the social development front.
Online schools are not all the same. Just as the quality of teaching and learning varies immensely across traditional schools there are online schools doing a great job, those that are mediocre and some that are failing.
The mass shift to online schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic disproportionately disadvantaged poorer children, who had a much smaller chance of accessing online education compared to children from wealthier households.
ADvTECH, South Africa’s leading private education provider, says it supports government’s intentions to create the conditions to regulate and quality assure the establishment and maintenance of online schools in South Africa, and looks forward to working with relevant authorities to ensure measures introduced will lead to an improved and quality educational experience for all online students.
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