

Multitasking involves working on two or more tasks simultaneously, switching back and forth from one thing to another, believing we are achieving greater efficiency. 


The world of work has changed dramatically over the past few years, even before the pandemic and the rise in remote work cemented new ways of working. But while many historic business processes and practices have long since fallen along the wayside in favour of more effective and efficient ones, there is one that obstinately remains in place: the annual performance review.

The Global Gender, Work & Organization Conference (GWO) is set to take place over three days (28-30 June 2023) for the first time on African soil in Stellenbosch and is hosted by Stellenbosch Business School. The conference aims to address issues concerning women and other marginalised gender groups, striving to reduce exclusion within society.

Skills are a hot commodity in virtually every industry across all sectors globally. The emerging workforce, and so-called Gen Z workers in particular, are in demand and more employers are offering early finish Fridays or summer Fridays as a perk to attract job-seekers.

The purpose of workplace disciplinary hearings is to enable the chairperson of the hearing to hear, from both sides and evidence relating to the charges against the employee.

Employers' wishes for workers to return to the office just might come true in 2023 as the threat of ever more severe blackouts and a deepening recession may spur workers back to their offices in a "Great Return." 

Many of us spend more waking hours at work than we do at home and as a result, build meaningful relationships with co-workers over time. Therefore, when a co-worker dies, this can impact the workplace tremendously, in a variety of ways.

The new Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the Workplace (Code), which became effective on 18 March 2022, seeks to address the elimination and prevention of all forms of harassment (and not only sexual harassment) that pervade the workplace.

The key to solving today’s complex workplace challenges – which include retaining critical skills and developing new working models that suit multiple generations – is to not use a ‘one size fits all’ approach. 

It is essential that graduates are prepared to enter the workplace, possessing key employability skills which will enable them to compete in today’s job market.

Change is the only constant in life and in any organisation. Internal procedures
change, management could change, employees come and go or external factors such
as economic issues could effect change within an organisation.

For decades employers have tried every trick in the book to motivate staff to work harder and faster. Business owners worldwide will agree that employee motivation is no laughing matter, yet a touch of happiness in the workplace may be the very thing to inspire even the most apathetic employees.




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