How To Register For A Matric Remark And Recheck Online



Learners around the country have received their results for the Grade 12 Examinations. While many will be satisfied with the results, there are options available to learners who were not satisfied with their results.




Thousands of matriculants received their matric results last week. These results were released on different days as the country’s provincial education departments determine when individuals can collect their results. 

While many learners have done well and achieved what they set out to do in the examinations, some may not have achieved the results they wanted to achieve.

These learners can choose to register to rewrite their examinations or they can also request for their examination scripts to be remarked or rechecked.

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) explained that a remark means that your examination will be marked for a second time. A recheck will entail an individual checking if all questions you answered were correctly marked and that the marks were correctly added up.

Here’s How To Request A Matric Exam Remark and Recheck

Step 1. Visit The Government's Official e-Services Portal By Click Here

Step 2. Click on the education icon which displays a graduation cap 

Step 3. Select the Basic Education Option. This will cause a number of options to appear. 

Step 4. Select Re-Mark/Re-Check

It's important to note that you will need to create a profile on the eServices website to request a matric exam remark or rewrite. You will also be required to pay a fee when requesting a remark or recheck.

Click Here For The Price Of A Matric Exam Remark or Recheck




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