Check Your SRD Appeal Sassa Status for August 2024



Did your SRD grant application get rejected and you appealed this decision? Once you've submitted your appeal, use the SASSA status check to track its progress.



Millions of South Africans eagerly await the outcome of their SRD grant appeals. The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) processed a massive number of applications for the R370 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant in August 2024.

If you were unfortunate enough to be rejected but decided to challenge the decision, you can now find out if your appeal was successful.

The SRD grant is a lifeline for many struggling South Africans and with nearly nine million people applying each month, competition for this vital financial assistance is fierce. If your application was approved, you would receive R370 per month to help cover basic living expenses.

Checking Your Appeal Status

To determine the outcome of your SRD grant appeal, you'll need to visit the official Sassa appeals website. By providing your ID number and cell phone number, you can easily track the progress of your appeal.

The Independent Tribunal is responsible for reviewing these appeals and making final decisions.

For the purpose of considering the appeal application the Independent Tribunal will check and revalidate the various databases utilized by SASSA that may indicate income or alternative financial assistance, including the verification databases of insufficient means with banks.

You can expect to receive a notification about your appeal's outcome within 60 to 90 days. The tribunal's decision is typically final. However, you have the right to challenge it in the High Court within 180 days if necessary.

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