How To Appeal Your Sassa Social Relief of Distress Grant For August


Millions of South Africans rely on social grants to survive each month. If your R370 Sassa Social Relief of Distress Grant application was declined, don't despair. You may be eligible to submit a Sassa appeal.



The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides a lifeline to millions of unemployed South Africans through the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant. This monthly payment offers vital financial support to those struggling to make ends meet.

Who Qualifies for the R370 SRD Grant?

To be eligible for the R370 SRD grant, applicants must:

  • Be between 18 and 59 years old
  • Be unemployed
  • Not receive any other government financial assistance, including NSFAS bursaries, UIF benefits, or other SASSA grants.

Check Your Sassa SRD Grant Status

If you've applied for the R370 grant, you can easily check its status online using the SASSA SRD website. This will show you if your application has been approved, rejected, or is still pending.

Appeal a Rejected SRD Grant Application

If your SRD grant application was rejected and you believe you qualify, you have the right to appeal the decision. Appeals are handled by the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA).

How to Appeal Your R370 SASSA Grant

To appeal your rejected SRD grant application:

  1. Visit the ITSAA website.
  2. Enter your South African ID number and the cell phone number used for your application.
  3. Verify your identity using the SMS code sent to your phone.
  4. Select the month you're appealing for.
  5. Choose the reason for your appeal from the provided options.
  6. Submit your appeal.

You must submit a separate appeal for each rejected month.

What Happens After You Appeal?

ITSAA aims to process appeals within 60-90 days. If you're still unsatisfied with the outcome, you can request a judicial review within 180 days of receiving the ITSAA decision.

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