How To Make Sure You Keep Your Sassa Grant


Sassa can suspend your grant payment if you don't follow these instructions. Here's how to avoid the suspension of your Sassa grant. 



The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) disburses social grants to millions of South Africans every month. To ensure smooth delivery of these grants, Sassa is urging beneficiaries to be proactive.

Sassa issues over 18 million permanent grants monthly. Beneficiaries are encouraged to carefully review their notification letters. These letters keep you informed about any changes that might impact your Sassa grant. For timely receipt of notifications, ensure Sassa has your correct address on record.

Keeping Sassa Updated and Report Changes in Circumstances

It's your responsibility to inform Sassa about any changes in your life, such as marital status, financial situation, or medical condition. Failure to update this information or neglecting notifications could be considered "failure to cooperate during the grant review" and lead to suspension.

Avoiding Suspension

Sassa emphasizes honesty and cooperation to prevent grant suspension. This includes refraining from fraudulent activity or misrepresenting information to qualify for a grant, and submitting all necessary documents on time.

Restoring a Suspended Grant

If your grant is suspended due to uncollected payments for three consecutive months or a missed review, you have 30 days to lodge a restoration application.

Types of Sassa Grants

 Permanent grants distributed by Sassa include the Older Persons pension grant, Disability grantWar Veterans grantCare Dependency grant, Foster Child grant, Child Support grant, Child Support grant Top-Up and Grant-in-aid. The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, also known as the R370 Sassa grant, falls under Sassa's responsibility.

Sassa Grant Payment Schedule

Permanent social grants are typically paid during the first week of the month, starting on the second workday. Payments exclude weekends and public holidays.

The payment date for the June SRD grant hasn't been announced yet, but these grants are usually disbursed in the last week of the month.

Sassa Grant Collection Options

Beneficiaries can choose to receive their grants directly deposited into their bank accounts. Alternatively, grants can be collected at various payment points, including ATMs and retail stores like Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, and Boxer.

Sassa reassures beneficiaries that there's no need to rush to withdraw their grant on the first day. Once deposited, the funds remain accessible in your bank account.

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