How Much Unisa Students Will Get For NSFAS Allowances In August


Unisa is one of the 26 public universities where students can get their study costs covered by NSFAS and this includes allowances. Here's how much NSFAS allowances will be for Unisa students in August.



The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a crucial lifeline for many South African students aspiring to higher education. NSFAS provides financial support to cover tuition, registration fees, and essential living costs.

While NSFAS benefits students across various public universities and TVET colleges, the specifics of its NSFAS allowance disbursement differ for Unisa.

NSFAS Allowances at Unisa

Unisa students who qualify for NSFAS funding receive specific allowances to support their studies. Here's a breakdown:

  • Learning Materials Allowance: This allowance is calculated based on the number of modules enrolled. Students receive R700 per module for the first four modules, and a one-time payment of R5,460 for five or more modules.
    • It's important to note that this is a total amount; no additional funds will be provided for modules beyond the initial five.
    • The learning materials allowance is a one-time payment made at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Personal Care/Incidental Allowance: Students registered for ten or more modules are eligible for a monthly personal care allowance of R304.50, paid from February to November.
    • This allowance helps cover basic living expenses during the academic year.
    • This is only for students enrolled in a full-time course load.

NSFAS Allowance Payments in 2024

Universities, including Unisa, will continue disbursing NSFAS allowances until the end of 2024. This decision follows an earlier announcement that payments would cease in July.

Previously, NSFAS allowances were paid directly to students through the NSFAS Direct Payment Black Card. However, this system has been replaced, and universities now handle allowance disbursements.

For 2025, NSFAS allowances will be paid directly by universities.

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NSFAS is a lifeline for many South African students, providing financial support to pursue higher education. This article focuses on how Unisa students can expect to receive their NSFAS allowances.




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