IEB Matric Final Exams Have Officially Started


It's officially final matric exams season as matriculants at Independent schools commenced with their exams this week. Good luck to them!



Today marks the official start of the bulk of the Independent Examination Board (IEB) matric exams, with it being the first exam all IEB learners are writing. This examination period will continue until Tuesday, 28 November 2023.

This year's IEB matric exams began on Tuesday, 12 September 2023, with the commencement of the Life Orientation Common Assessment Task (CAT).

14 127 full-time candidates and 1 080 part-time candidates will be participating in this year's National Senior Certificate (NSC) at independent schools.


When Are IEB Matric Results Released?

IEB matric results are usually released the day before those of public schools. This means that IEB matric results will be released on 18 January 2024.

How To Get Your IEB Matric Results

Firstly, the IEB will forward the final Matric results to schools and they will then pass on the results to their candidates.

You can then view it in the following ways:

  • Pupils will be able to find their results online using the IEB website when they are released. 
  • Results can also be accessed via SMS, using the following options:
    • If the IEB has been provided with your cellphone number, your results will automatically be sent to the number provided.
    • You can register by SMS by sending an SMS to 35135.
      • The SMS should read: Results (your examination number) (your DOB yyyymmdd)
      • You will then receive a message notifying you that the registration has been
        successful and you will receive your results when they are released.
      • The SMS costs R3.

As for your certificate/statement of results that is released by UMALUSI, they will be sent to your school in April after the Matric results release.

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IEB matric exam timetable

Preparation is underway around the country in anticipation of the final matric exams which is just a few months away. The Independent Examination Board has released their matric exam timetable to aid learners in their preparation for the upcoming final matric exams. 




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