SRD Grant Payment Schedule For December


More than 8 million people are set to be paid the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant. However, the festive season with several public holidays means the SRD Grant payment schedule has been adjusted. 



The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant is the only social assistance available to unemployed individuals in South Africa. The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has received billions of grants to extend the SRD grant's implementation until March 2025 which ensures financial support for millions of unemployed people living in the country.

Approximately 8 million individuals are currently being paid the SRD grant monthly. While these individuals are paid in the final week of the month, however, with Christmas at the end of the month, grants will be paid earlier.

SRD grant payments for December will therefore be made from 18 December until 22 December 2023.

It's important to note that R350 grants will take approximately 2-3 working days to reflect in the SRD grant beneficiaries’ bank account after the payment is processed by Sassa. 

To ensure timely access to their funds, beneficiaries are encouraged to check their Sassa payment status on the SRD website, where the exact deposit date in their bank accounts can be found.

Why SRD Grant Payment At The End Of The Month

The processing of grants takes place during the latter stages of the month as Sassa conducts various verification checks to ensure the grant applicant meets the qualifying criteria for the grant. 

To qualify for the SRD grant, applicants must meet specific criteria, including South African citizenship, residency within the country, and unemployment. Permanent residents and special permit holders also qualify for the SRD grant. 

Eligibility for the SRD grant requires that recipients do not receive any form of support from the South African government or affiliated institutions. Specifically, individuals benefiting from Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) benefits and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) do not qualify for the grant. They must not be financially assisted by any state institution.

Additionally, SRD grant applicants must maintain a bank account balance not exceeding R624. In the context of the SRD grant, "income" pertains to the funds available in an individual's bank account. Should the balance surpass the R624 threshold, the application for the SRD grant will face rejection.

Where SRD Grants Are Paid 

SRD grant beneficiaries have the option to receive their grants directly into their bank accounts, providing convenient access to funds

SRD grants are also paid at selected retailers such as Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Boxer stores, Usave stores, and CheckersMobile cash pay points provide an additional option, though with limited flexibility, as beneficiaries can only collect payments for a few hours during specific payment cycles.

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December, how did we get to you so fast? It's officially the first week of the new month which means that Sassa is now making grant payments.




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