What To Do About Unauthorised Deductions On Your Sassa Grant



Millions of people rely on social grants from Sassa to survive every month. If your grant is being deducted before you receive it, you can lodge a dispute with Sassa 



The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has provided its beneficiaries with a comprehensive guide on how to lodge a dispute if beneficiaries have unauthorised deductions on their social grant. 

Social grants allow financially vulnerable people to purchase basic goods and access basic services monthly. The agency distributes more than 19 million grants to beneficiaries every month. 

Grants distributed by Sassa include Older Persons pension grants, Disability grants, War Veterans grants, Care Dependency grants, Foster Child grants, Child Support grants, Child Support grant Top-Up and Grant-in-aid.

While the impact of these grants on beneficiaries cannot be understated, any unauthorised deductions on these grants have dire consequences for beneficiaries. This is because beneficiaries rely on every cent they receive from the South African government. 

If beneficiaries experience any unauthorised deductions on their Sassa grants they can lodge a dispute with Sassa. 

How To Lodge A Sassa Dispute

  1. Send an SMS to 34548
  2. At the top of the SMS, enter 'Topic: Dispute'
  3. Under that, type 'ID Number:' and then add your ID number
  4. Under that, type 'Name and surname:' and then add your name and surname as they appear on your ID
  5. Under that, type 'FSP Name:' and then add the company you are lodging a dispute against
  6. Under that, type 'Duration of the policy:' and then add how long the policy has been deducting
  7. Under that, type 'Reason for dispute:' and then either say 'I never signed a contract' or 'misrepresentation

All the information you need about Sassa, Sassa grants and Sassa statuses can be found in the Careers Portal’s Sassa section. 

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Sassa made a significant announcement towards the close of 2023 that has implications for beneficiaries receiving grants at Post Offices. Subsequently, additional information regarding this matter has been disclosed.




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