When Will I Know If NSFAS Approved My 2023 Funding?



Details highlighting the Department of Higher Education and Training's state of readiness have been revealed by Minister Blade Nzimande in his annual address. The Minister gave insight into when applicants will receive communication concerning their NSFAS applications.




Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Blade Nzimande, gave his much anticipated speech regarding the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and tertiary institutions' readiness for the upcoming academic year.

The academic year usually kicks off in February for students enrolled at universities or Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) colleges.

As of Friday, 20 January 2023, a total of 1 131 419 NSFAS applications have been received through the scheme’s online application portal, and 156 700 of these applications are from Sassa beneficiaries. 

All Sassa beneficiaries have received instant funding approval, pending registration at any of South Africa's 26 public universities or 50 TVET colleges.

Nzimande said during his annual address:

I am happy to report that we will be able to fund all qualifying students on the DHET bursary scheme who have been admitted for funded programmes at public TVET colleges and universities in 2023.

NSFAS will release application results for both first time entering and returning students on 6 February 2023 while the funded list for continuing students was released on Tuesday.

All application decisions, including the appeal option and appeal processes will be available to applicants through the myNSFAS portal accessible via the NSFAS website. 

Those who have applied for NSFAS funding for 2023 are encouraged to log onto their myNSFAS accounts to track their applications. 

In an effort to improve the poor communication often associated with NSFAS, a Whatsapp line and a USSD code has been created for students to directly keep in touch with NSFAS officials regarding any queries they may have. 

Students can add NSFAS on WhatsApp using the number 078 519 8006 or dial *120*67327 to track their 2023 application status. This is NSFAS’ way of simplifying the lives of applicants and students.

When the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Nsfas) was first established, the scheme provided funding to 7000 students. In 2022, this number significantly grew to be almost 1 million, expanding from disbursing R21.4 million in funding previously, to now providing almost R50 billion in funding. 

Over 60% of undergraduate students in South Africa's public university system receive support from Nsfas, and well over 90% of students in TVET colleges; figures the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as well as Nsfas proudly boasts.

While the DHET and Nsfas proudly fund deserving students, Nzimande has issued a warning regarding individuals who fraudulently collect money from the financial provider.

I also wish to use this opportunity to warn all those who are improperly benefitting from NSFAS to desist from doing so as we intend intensify chasing on them and on identifying them. We will take criminal actions against them.

To those who have not applied for NSFAS funding, the Minister issued a reminder that applications are still open until 31 January, 2023 to apply for funding. 




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