Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana recently announced a 5% increase in social grants for the upcoming year. This is welcome news for the millions who rely on these grants for survival. Minister Godongwana allocated R66 billion to the Department of Social Development, with a significant portion funding the increases and extending the COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant.
Work Programs for Unemployed in Exchange for Support
However, the newly formed Citizans Party, led by Jan Mogonwa, proposes a different approach. While acknowledging the need for social safety nets, they suggest replacing some grants with work programmes. Unemployed individuals would receive a R1,500 public service allowance in exchange for 60 hours of monthly community service.
We believe in some form of income for those who are unemployed…but one of the values we seek to the idea of accountability.
Arguments for Work Programmes
Mogonwa argues that this approach fosters accountability and provides income. Community service eliminates transport costs while offering benefits like cleaner streets and safer neighbourhoods.
People want dignity, they want to work for what they receive,...Let it be you are going to do 60 hours of community service... Why are you saying community? You don't have to catch transport travel anywhere, do it in your locality.
The programme would also address concerns about couples without children potentially missing out on support systems.
Potential Challenges
This proposal has sparked debate. While the idea of income in exchange for contribution has merit, some potential challenges exist:
- Exclusion: Not everyone may be physically capable of participating in community service.
- Work Availability: Ensuring there are enough meaningful community service opportunities could be difficult.
- Exploitation: There's a risk of work programmes becoming exploitative if not properly managed.
The Citizans Party's proposal has ignited a crucial conversation. This conversation is made more important as political parties look to win the votes of citizens.