Qualifying accommodation providers can now register and list their properties on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme's portal to be taken into consideration for Nsfas recipients.
After logging in, accommodation providers can list their properties by submitting the names, addresses, and photos of each one.
The bursary scheme will then list their properties, contact them, and send a team of experts to assess and evaluate the properties to make sure that they are acceptable for student housing. Following that, Nsfas will contact them to inform them of the outcome of their application.
All accommodation providers who would like to list their properties for Nsfas beneficiaries can visit https://www.nsfas.org.za/content/studentacom.html” register and use the following steps to submit their applications.
Step 1: Choose a province and Institution sign and register.
Step 2: Create An Account. This involves filling in your personal details, creating a password and accepting the terms of service.
Step 3: NSFAS will then confirm that your account has been successfully created and that an email has been sent for you to verify your email to log in to your account.
Step 4: After logging into your account, you will then be required to complete your Property Profile Registration by providing: Your personal details, your property such as a physical address, pictures, Your preferred form of contact by NSFAS and a short bio.
Step 5: You will then be required to provide the required supporting document, after which you will have completed your registration.
Nsfas found that the cost structure of university-owned housing varies, and Private Accommodation Providers (PAPs) were not properly supervised.
The bursary scheme also found that the accreditation process for private student accommodation providers is managed by institutions, is inconsistent, open to fraud and corruption, and is not workable for other institutions due to their lack of resources.
Related: Download the NSFAS Consent Form