Sassa Implements New Verification Method for R350 Grant


Beneficiaries and applicants of the R350 grant will be at less risk of falling victim to fraud as Sassa has taken measures to ensure that incoming applications are processed more securely. These new changes will improve the security of the agency.



In a move to enhance security measures and prevent fraudulent activities, the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has introduced biometric identity verification for beneficiaries accessing Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant services. 

This new requirement will impact individuals seeking services such as clearing a referred status, opening a Postbank account, updating their mobile number, or opting for cash send payments.

Why this change is being introduced

Sassa has taken this step to ensure the integrity and legitimacy of the R350 grant, which provides vital financial support to those who have been negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

By implementing facial recognition technology, Sassa aims to verify the identity of applicants accurately, reducing the risk of fraudulent claims and enhancing the efficiency of the system.

What R350 grant beneficiaries must do

Beneficiaries eligible for the above-mentioned services will receive two SMS messages from Sassa. It is crucial for R350 grant recipients to click on the link provided in the second SMS within 72 hours (3 days), as the link will expire after this timeframe.

Failure to complete the biometric identity verification within the stipulated time may result in delays or the rejection of their applications.

To assist beneficiaries with any queries or issues, Sassa has set up a dedicated call centre that can be reached at 0800 60 1011. Clients can also contact grant [email protected] to request the re-sending of the verification SMS.

While this new biometric identity verification process may initially cause some inconvenience for beneficiaries, it plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the integrity of the social relief of distress grant. 

By leveraging facial recognition technology, Sassa aims to maintain transparency, minimise fraudulent activities, and ensure that the relief funds reach those who truly need them.

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Person applying SRD Sassa Grant

The SRD SASSA grant refers to the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant. Millions of eligible individuals complete the SRD grant application process because they require financial support. This article will guide you through the application process and help you understand the eligibility criteria for accessing social relief grants.




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