Bachelors Pass In Matric - What Are The Requirements?



What are the requirements to get a Bachelors Pass in your Matric final exams and gain access to university courses? We have all the details for you.



It was previously known as 'exemption' but now if you want to gain access to study at university after school you must gain a Bachelors Degree pass on your Matric final exams. We detail below what you have to achieve to get that.

Bachelors Degree pass requirements

  • Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language (compulsory),
  • Must obtain at least 50% for four other subjects excluding Life Orientation,
  • Must obtain at least 30% for Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the tertiary (Higher Eduction) institution,
  • Must obtain at least 30% for one other subject,
  • Must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects.

A Bachelors pass qualifies you to study towards a degree at a university, university of technology, TVET college or any accredited Higher Learning Institution.

Grade Level system explained:

  • Level 7: 80–100% (Outstanding achievement)
  • Level 6: 70–79% (Meritorious achievement)
  • Level 5: 60–69% (Substantial achievement)
  • Level 4: 50–59% (Moderate achievement)
  • Level 3: 40–49% (Adequate achievement)
  • Level 2: 30–39% (Elementary achievement)
  • Level 1: 0–29% (Not achieved: Fail)

These subjects are compulsory.

  • Home Language
  • First Additional Language
  • Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation
  • Either English or Afrikaans as one of your languages

If you don't achieve a Bachelors pass there are two other types of pass that you can be awarded.

Higher Certificate Pass Requirements

The Higher Certificate Pass which allows the student to attain a Higher Certificate. Study programmes for a Higher Certificate are predominantly vocational, meaning that they relate to a particular occupation or set of skills, with the course material being industry-oriented. At a later stage, the student would be able to apply for a higher qualification such as an Advanced Diploma.

Diploma Pass Requirements

The Diploma Pass which allows the student to pursue further studies in diploma courses at schools for technology (also known as technikons) and TVET Colleges .There are various diploma options, including an advanced diploma and a national diploma. 

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