
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges, previously FET Colleges, provide students with after-school education should they not go on to attend a traditional university. TVET colleges offer courses in a wide variety of fields, with a focus on giving students marketable and practical skills. This is of great importance as there are many professions that society depends on and yet very few people are studying them. TVET colleges offer a popular alternative to university studies for students who were not accepted to study a degree. The number of TVET colleges is increasing rapidly, providing students with marketable skills and the ability to do essential jobs as artisans.

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mr Mduduzi Manana, MP, motivated over 1200 high school learners and youth not in education or training (NEET) to consider career paths in artisanship.

While challenges persist in the higher education sector, government is doing all it can to address these, Higher Education and Training Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana said.

The retail sector is expected to benefit from Woolworths high impact skills development initiative.

Recognising the shortage of skilled artisans in the automotive industry, the Automobile Association of South Africa (AA) has expanded the premises of its AA Technical College to accommodate more students.




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