Policies Procedures


The end of year exams has concluded for students at South Africa's largest university. Here's what students can do if they are unsatisfied with their Unisa exam results. 

Unfortunately, sexual harassment continues to be an issue in the workplace, with many victims too nervous to report it because it is not always appropriately dealt with. It is important for both employees and organisations to know their rights and obligations when it comes to sexual harassment at work. 

Movements such as the #METOO movement has correctly focused public attention on inappropriate workplace conduct.

An employment contract is a binding agreement between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms of their working relationship. All employers are required to offer you an employment contract before hiring you, unless they are an exempt employer (and even then they must offer you one if your employment lasts more than 3 months). 

Human Resources (HR) plays an important role in developing, reinforcing and changing the culture of an organisation. The HR department is responsible for recruiting new employees as well as retaining current ones.

Even though unlimited leave is not a new concept internationally, the news that a local specialist banking group has embraced it has raised a few eyebrows.

With the end of the year drawing to a close, organisation’s performance review period is fast approaching, a very important tool to keep your workforce encouraged and engaged.

Maintaining transparency in the organisation is an ongoing challenge that can be
proactively managed by HR leaders who are committed to developing progressive
policies and procedures that promote employee checks.

Many companies do not have policies pertaining to alcohol abuse and its related
effects on the workplace. As a result organisations are suffering from low
productivity, high absenteeism rates and a range of other misdemeanors displayed by
social drinkers.




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