The Learnership programme was developed in South Africa as a modern way to advance apprenticeships to meet the modern demands of the workplace. Learnerships also manage to formalise the learning and workplace experience - which is usually sadly lacking in internships offered by companies.
Another significant benefit of Learnerships over internships is that Learnerships come with a formal pay structure where learners will be paid a monthly stipend, or payment, for the time they are on the Learnership. Also, internships do not have a learning component, while Learnerships are all linked directly to a formal qualification.
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We are finding that there is still too little clarity around the subject of vocational learnerships. Learnerships are indeed a win-win for all parties involved.
Africa’s leading data science academy Explore Data Science Academy(EDSA) has ramped up its number of sponsored learnerships to 500 in 2020.
Learnerships combine learning programmes with on the job learning and training. On the job training is supported by structured or institutional learning.
The employment equity and work opportunity targets for people with disabilities should increase to at least seven per cent by 2030 according to the Department of Social Development’s White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Empowering the youth through on-the-job learning and development is one way of moving South Africa’s young folk to the centre of the country’s economic ecosystem.
With South Africa’s unemployment rate at an all-time high, Learnerships are necessary to help build a competent workforce as well as the key to boosting an organisation’s B-BBEE levels in the process.
Learnerships are developed by the industry for the industry, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, so the learning programme and qualification of the Learners are relevant to the specific occupation.
Does your business want to support the implementation of learnerships in the country? Find out how you can contribute towards up-skilling the local labour market.
Learnerships have many positives and not just for the learner who will seek a job upon graduation. These opportunities create jobs amongst other things. The following article touches upon the benefits in granting learnerships and the relationships it creates.
Enrolling individuals in learnerships when they are already competent in most of the
outcomes of the qualification is a waste of time and resources; however there is room
for some RPL during learnerships. Suzanne Hattingh provides some guidelines on when
it is appropriate to do RPL in learnerships.
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