matric results


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The Department of Basic Education congratulated with the top achievers in the November 2024 Matric final exams, with the Minister hosting the top 39 achievers at the national event where she announced the district, provincial and national pass rates.

There still is no final decision on whether Matric Results will be published in newspapers in January as the tussle between the Information Regulator and the Department of Basic Education escalates. First there was a R5 million fine, and now the case is going to an urgent court hearing.

If you did not achieve the results you wanted to in the 2023 matric exams, you have the opportunity to rewrite. The support offered through the Second Chance Matric Programme will help you achieve your academic goals. 

The Matric class of 2022 has been congratulated for making it through their schooling and exam period in circumstances that were not the most favourable. However, for some, the outcome may not have been what was originally planned, but thankfully there other options available for life after matric. 

Learners around the country have received their results for the Grade 12 Examinations. While many will be satisfied with the results, there are options available to learners who were not satisfied with their results.


The release of matric results is a high stakes time for many students and parents who have invested in the idea that a successful future is dependent on excellent matric results. Getting these final school marks in black and white can spiral some young South Africans into despair and crisis, especially if their matric results fall short of what they have hoped for.

For many young people finishing high school, tertiary education is an attractive but daunting prospect. While parents may encourage them to pursue higher education, the working world and educational offerings have shifted substantially in the past decades, making it difficult for parents to navigate the available options too.

Many matric learners left their Maths Paper Two exam feeling deeply distressed due the paper containing a question that was "impossible to solve." 

The countdown to the matric final exams has begun, with only a month left before grade 12 learners have to take those all-important tests. However, the disruption of loadshedding looms above their heads as they prepare to push through the upcoming exam season. 

Careers Portal had the pleasure of catching up with founder of DigsConnect, Alexandria Procter. She shared her top 5 tips for entrepreneurs who need a little push to get started. 

As matriculants around South Africa prepare for their final school examinations, many will feel stressed and anxious about the upcoming exams. The results they receive will affect the next step of their educational journey, however, cheating could derail their plans completely.


If you’re feeling the stress of the upcoming Matric exams, the best thing that you can do is connect with those who can help and learn something new about how you can best re-frame the experience.


The wait is almost over for more than 290 000 individuals who participated in the 2022 May/June matric examinations. The education department has revealed that candidates in some provinces may need to wait a bit longer to learn the outcome of their examinations.

The wait is almost over for thousands of young people who participated in the 2022 May/June Grade 12 examinations. This as the results of the examinations will be released later this week.


Some candidates who did not obtain their matric qualification chose to participate in the 2022 May/June Grade 12 examinations. These candidates will be eagerly awaiting for their results to be released.


The implementation of the Senior Certificate could have ceased as early as 2023, as the higher education department readied itself for the implementation of its replacement.


The prospects of finding a job in South Africa is difficult enough as the unemployment rate hovers around 34%. This rate only rises when taking a look at youth and especially individuals who have not completed Grade 12. One initiative introduced to help young people obtain their Grade 12 qualification will now be supported to ensure greater success.


Nearly 300 000 individuals will be travelling to 5 236 exam centres around South Africa to participate in the upcoming mid-year matric examinations with the hope of obtaining either a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or a Senior Certificate (SC).


Many people have lost or misplaced crucial documents related to their time in school. Here’s what it will now cost to get these documents replaced. 

Matriculants who want to register for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations in May/June have less than a week to apply as the application date approaches.




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