matric results newspaper
You can find your results in the newspaper listed under your exam number. If you aren't happy with your results you are able to register for the Second Chance Matric programme.
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The Department of Basic Education congratulated with the top achievers in the November 2024 Matric final exams, with the Minister hosting the top 39 achievers at the national event where she announced the district, provincial and national pass rates.
There still is no final decision on whether Matric Results will be published in newspapers in January as the tussle between the Information Regulator and the Department of Basic Education escalates. First there was a R5 million fine, and now the case is going to an urgent court hearing.
Did you pass the 2023 Matric exams? The wait for your official matric certificate is over! They're now available for collection at your school.
Matric learners around the country are preparing for their midyear exams. For some leaners, they will be writing their final NSC exams in May.
Thousands of learners are expected to participate in the 2024 May/June Matric Exams. Here's the timetable for the matric exam rewrites.
While the final Grade 12 exams have been commenced, the education department has revealed when candidates will receive their matric results. Thousands of learners are set to soon receive their 2023 final matric exams.
The wait has begun for thousands of matric learners. After completing their matric exams during the last few days, they now await the release of their results.
On Wednesday, grade 12 learners around the country will put down their pens for the final time. However, a lot of work must be done before they get their matric results.
Monday, 30 October 2023 marks the start of a seven-week examination period for Grade 12 learners in South Africa. Learners around the country participating in their final school examinations are working towards obtaining a matric qualification.
Thousands of Grade 12 learners are gearing up for their final school examinations. The education department recently unpacked what is being done in preparation for the critical exams.
It's officially final matric exams season as matriculants at Independent schools commenced with their exams this week. Good luck to them!
Matric exam results will often determine which steps a learner can take on their tertiary education journey. Many learners who do not achieve the matric results they want choose to rewrite their matric exams.
Parents tread a delicate line during the high-pressure Matric study and exam time. On the one hand you want to be motivating for optimal performance every step of the way, but it’s easy to tip over into applying too much pressure on an already stressed-out teen.
The May/June matric examination period came to an end in June with the matric rewrite results being released this week. Now, those who were unsatisfied with their results can apply for a chance to improve.
The wait is finally over for matric candidates who participated in the 2023 May/June matric examinations and chose to rewrite subjects. The Education Department has officially revealed when exam results will be released.
Independent Examinations Board (IEB) matric candidates who requested a remark for their supplementary grade 12 examinations can now see the outcome of this. The board released remark results on Thursday.
IEB learners who want their matric exams to be re-marked have just a few days left to register. The registration deadline for IEB supplementary matric exams re-marks is just days away.
Every year, individuals have the opportunity retake the National Senior Certificate examinations to secure their matric qualification and improve their results. This is done through the education department's Second Chance Matric Programme.
The Matric Rewrite season is officially underway. The Second Chance Matric programme aims to provide support to those who were not able to meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate or the extended Senior Certificate.
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