CBM Training - MS PowerPoint for Office Professionals
Get the low-down on how to prepare rock-solid MS PowerPoint presentations that you or someone else will deliver.
This 2 day MS PowerPoint Master-class will teach you how to produce a Powerful Presentation, alive with colour and images. This course will demonstrate Step-by-Step how to create MS PowerPoint presentations from start to finish including the setting up of charts, slides, graphs and effects using advanced features all the way through to producing attractive hand-outs for the speaker.
Key learning areas covered during this course include:
* Transforming an average presentation into a winner by using “golden rules” for effective planning and developing
* Personalising the presentation to your preference by using several basic to advanced PowerPoint features
* Gaining the audience’s attention upfront by incorporating a “presentation hook” for the speaker
* Keeping your audience interested throughout the presentation by creating a logical, clear flow to the slides that highlights the data
* Avoiding “death by PowerPoint” – How to keep your slides simple so as not to overpower the message
* Creating a strong visual impact in the presentation by inserting graphs, images, tables and figures to compliment the facts
* Attracting the attention of your audience by adding special effects that create a lasting impression
* Controlling the layout of your presentations by applying various structural templates
* Using customised shortcuts and toolbars to save time working on a presentation
* Maintaining the consistency of your Presentation by understanding its key elements and how they interlink with other MS Office Applications
This course is available as both a blended training option (online) and classroom training option. The price varies dependent on the training option chosen:
Classroom – R 4 775 Ex VAT
Blended – R 4 175 Ex VAT
Please feel free to contact us for more information or to enquire about possible course dates.
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