Indemnification in contract and its ramifications webinar 2024
The word indemnity means security or protection against a financial liability. It typically occurs in the form of a contractual agreement made between parties in which one party agrees to “hold harmless” the other party – either by promising not to hold the other liable for a wrong, or to pay for losses or damages suffered by the other party.
In this two-hour webinar we will explore the functions and significance of indemnity in contracts.
2 September 2024, 9:00-11:00
Dale Hutchison is head of the Internal Research Unit at ENSafrica, and Emeritus Professor of UCT’s department of Private Law. After doctoral studies at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, he returned to UCT as a senior lecturer in Roman Dutch & Private Law.
How much?
R780 per person.
SIGH UP HERE: Indemnification in contract and its ramifications | UCT Law at Work
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