Facilitations Skills



  • • Identify the main obstacles to effective facilitation • Develop facilitation skills for a classroom environment • Develop facilitation skills for adult learners • Understand the nature of the process behind being able to effectively present information to an audience • Understand a range of presentation tools and techniques • Use these techniques to build a process that will ensure professional presentations are designed and delivered on a consistent basis • Explain the benefits of having a professional approach to facilitation and presentations in the organization irrespective of the target audience • Understand the function of communication through exploring its processes • Match the type of communication with the appropriate method • Understanding how to elicit input from the learners and create an interactive classroom environment, where learners engage with the facilitator and each other • Develop awareness of how effective non-verbal messages are communicated • Evaluate their own presentation skills by reviewing the video of their delivered presentation • Apply a rigorous communication checklist in evaluating presentations Using effective visuals
Contact Details
Contact Person:
Julius Matose
Contact Email:
julius [at] imsimbi.co.za
Course Details
Unit Standard:
NQF Level:
Level 5
Course Duration:
3 Days
Course Delivery Method:

E-learning E-learning

Blended Blended

In Class In Class

Presented Presented Courses

In House In-House

On Request
Course Fee Includes:
Assesment, Moderation & Certification




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